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About Robert

The Author 

Robert D Pickard Jr. is a first-time author of the Book “Today’s Thoughts”. He will be a fresh breath in the Authors industry. By trade a Network Administrator and Musician, Songwriter. Robert has penned multiple Billboard charting songs as well as scoring a Billboard #1 for a song that he co-wrote with jazz legend James Lloyd for Pieces of a dream. Before he is starting writing self-help books, Robert got a Bachelor of Science in cybersecurity at Youngstown State University and is Presently in the Masters of Cybersecurity at Middle Georgia University. Links to purchase the book are below.


This is a book of everyday living for and by the common person. If being kind and thoughtful was something prescribed to everyone for free and, sharing knowledge, helping people along the path was shared by all. Then, learning how to treat others with kindness is the one way to ensure that we all continue to grow in love together. Robert D Pickard Jr. is a first-time author of the Book "Today's Thoughts". He will be a fresh breath in the Authors industry. By trade a Network Administrator and Musician, Songwriter. Robert has penned multiple Billboard charting songs as well as scoring a Billboard #1 for a song that he co-wrote with jazz legend James Lloyd for Pieces of a dream. Before he is starting writing self-help books, Robert got a Bachelor of Science in cybersecurity at Youngstown State University and is Presently in the Masters of Cybersecurity at Middle Georgia University.

Todays Thoughts
1. Today's Thought... Something to think about, I was reading an article in which a writer was describing a person he saw in the airport he describes her long blond hair, her halter top and shorts that had Juicy printed on them and the stilettos on her feet. Yes, this 8-year-old girl was the hottest thing in the airport he stated. Please let children be children. Unbelievable.
- The over sexualization of Youth is something that needs to be dealt with. Pedophiles and predators are lurking everywhere so the last thing that is needed are children being dressed up like adults and paraded around like fresh bait on a fishing line. Freedoms in America are things are constantly having boundaries tested and debated where the lines should be drawn as far as the protections of our rights are concerned. As a believer of a minimalist government the protection of freedoms are just as important as clean water and breathing fresh air. The truth remains that just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should. So, in that spirit govern yourselves accordingly.
3. Today's Thought....If you have a friend that has something good to say to you about the good things that happen in your life, only when things are good in their life, then I'd recommend that you have another friend that you can count on during their the bad times ....#Realtalk#
- There are certain people that are only able to see the good in things when, things are good in their life. I call those people," the as long as friends ". Just as long as I am in a good place will I be able to rejoice in your good news. But the minute they are going through life's trials as they will come, just some how they can no longer see the good in your situation due to their own condition. A true friend will never allow their moment of discomfort dictate the level of loyalty shown to you and yes that is a form loyalty. Loyalty allows you to be the same no matter the situation. And if a person shows that they haven't achieved this level of growth, don't judge them but just understand who they are and share good news with those that have earned your trust
Today's Thoughts




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